1st Annual CHAH Sports Banquet
This past Monday, June 11 2018, was the First Annual All Sports Banquet!
Organized by CHAH's Athletic Director, Mike King, the event was the first in what we hope to be a long tradition recognizing our school's student-athletes. Dinner was served and parents and family members attended. After the buffet-style dinner, each team was honored for their accomplishments throughout the 2017-18 seasons.
All 8 sports teams were recognized with a brief season summary by their respective coaches. Every single athlete received a participation trophy in recognition of their commitment and hard work throughout the season.
In addition, "Scholar Athletes" and "Three Sports Athletes" were recognized for their achievements in academics and multiple sports.
Senior Alex Cortez and Yocasta Fanas were awarded 2017-18 "Athlete of the Year".
Congratulations to all the coaches, players, and teams and best of luck next year!