Minds Matter Accepts CHAH Students!


Natalya Ames, Raymond Medina, Daisy Loyola, and Jaliene Villanueva have been accepted into Minds Matter! Minds Matter is a comprehensive and highly successful three-year program that empowers young people from low income families to achieve college readiness and success. Once part of the program, students receive one on one mentors, tutoring, cultural enrichment, and prep for the SAT. Minds mater boasts a 100% success rate!

They’re smiling proudly!


CHAH Pitcher Cristobal Candela (aka "CC") Honored at Yankee Stadium


CHAH Varsity Baseball Pitcher Cristobal Canela was honored at Yankee Stadium this week. Cristobal had the lowest ERA (Earned Run Average) of any pitcher in all of New York City for AA schools. He and Coach DeJesus were there to accept this great honor and plaque.

CC will graduate this year and pitch in college next year. Cristobal has been an outstanding student and athlete throughout his career. Congrats CC!


Boy's Basketball Camp at Fordham University

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The Boys Basketball team made their annual trip to Fordham for their prestigious, invite-only camp. Starting June 3rd all the way through June 7th, the team played some of the top teams from the Tri-State area. In addition to games, the team listened to lectures from Division 1, 2 and 3 coaches from across the country.

Thanks again to the Fordham Rams for having us! We look forward to next year!