Wednesday Morning Pick-up Basketball at CHAH


Every Wednesday morning, the CHAH gymnasium is filled with high school students playing pick-up basketball from 7:00-8:30 am. The pick-up game is hosted by CHAH math teacher Bill Cronin, who says that the weekly game is about “having fun and learning the game.”


Mr. Cronin has specific rules that the kids must abide by in order for them to learn how to play “good basketball” as he puts it. They have to get back on defense or they can’t touch the ball on the next offense. There is no full-court press allowed. There is no over-and-back whistle. Each basket earns one point, so there are no benefits for three-point shots.

“The kids like the rules because they create more hustle and flow. They create a better pick-up game,” Mr. Cronin explains. “Kids aren’t taking shots from half court. They get back on defense. They pass and cut to get layups instead of three pointers.”

Roughly 20 kids show up every Wednesday morning. Around the holidays, many CHAH alumni also show up. It’s a great program that has been going on for many years and hopefully for many years to come.


6th Graders Win Columbia University's Youth Debate Competition!


This past week, CHAH 6th Graders participated in a debate tournament at Columbia University…and won! The students did wonderfully: they competed against only high schoolers and held their own magnificently!

Said one Columbia University official, “We hope that debate was an experience that all of your students found meaningful and significant. We loved working with them!”

Congratulations CHAH 6th Grade Debaters!


Cross Country Team Wins Record 6 Medals in Final Race!


The Co-Ed CHAH Cross Country Team finished the 2019 Season strong with a record-breaking 6 runners winning medals in the final meet at Van Cortlandt Park!

Congratulations to medal-winners Bruce Mata, Gezebel Vargas, Cristal Perez, Billy Staack, Janaivi Sosa, and Joan Guzman!

Congratulations to the entire team on a fantastic finish to a wonderful season!


Sewing Club Makes Stuffed Animals with Recycled Jeans

Today the CHAH Sewing Club began up-cycling donated jeans into stuffed animals. They're using a whale pattern inspired by a Finnish blogger. Here you can see them cutting the pattern out of paper, and then cutting into the fabric.


The students love working with their hands and making a product they can be proud of.


Up-cycling existing materials is a great way to give new life to old fabric and express your creativity. It's good for the environment too!


Stay tuned for pictures of our finished products!

Open Mic Night at CHAH


The Open Mic is a chance for CHAH students to have their voices heard and their artistic talents nurtured in a low-pressure environment.

Emmulating the feel of a downtown Open Mic at a New York Cafe, we encourage students to put themselves out there and be vulnerable as a source of empowerment.


Thanks to local NYC artists Jade Zabric and Adrian from the Bronx for supporting our students' performances and bringing a show of their own!
