The Great CHAH Bake Off

The smell of frosting and competition filled the air as students walked into the classroom with their inaugural bakes for the Great CHAH Bake Off.

How did we get here?

Ms. James hosts a daily lunch club where she allows students to decompress over snacks and games with their friends and classmates. During one of these sessions, the students suggested baking and somehow they got to the idea of a baking competition.

Ms. James drew inspiration from one of her passions: the Great British Bake Off. In order to celebrate the season, they collectively chose Halloween cupcakes. The judges, a combination of teachers and students, took their responsibilities very seriously and a great time was had by all.

This is what Ms. James hopes will become a tradition at CHAH, where students and staff can come together over a shared interest: baking and learning from one another.

Cross Country Season's Fast Finish!

The Co-Ed CHAH Cross Country Team finished the season strong this past week! Boys Jared Ramirez and Nazarene Richardson earned solid times in the Boy’s Varsity Grand Prix on Monday. Girls Adriana Martinez, Tayra De Los Santos, Vicky Chen, and Tiffany Cedeno Pena all had their best times in the Girl’s Grand Prix on Tuesday. Special shout out and recognition to sophomore runner Nicole Garcia, who finished in the Top 10 on Tuesday and earned the team’s first and only medal of the season. Well done, Nicole!

Coach Dickhudt thanked the team for another solid season. “They made it happen. They put in the work,” he said.

Well done, CHAH Cross Country!

Cross Country is Off and Running!

The CHAH Co-Ed Cross Country Team is off and running for the 2022 season! The team has had three meets so far, all at Van Cortlandt Park in The Bronx. Successful finished by sophomore Nicole Garcia and freshman Tiffany Cedeno Pena, as well as junior Jared Rodriquez are among the notable highlights so far.

Keep up the good work, Cross Country! Vamonos! Corremos!