Linet Mercedes, CHAH Senior and Posse Scholar, Speaks at City Hall


This past week, CHAH was one of many schools recognized for our steadily increasing graduation rate over the past several years. One of our seniors, Linet Mercedes, represented our school with a speech at City Hall in front of Mayor Bill de Blasio and Chancellor Richard Carranza. The press corps present, the Mayor, and the Chancellor were all incredibly impressed by Linet’s story.

Thank you very much for your support and continued hard work, Linet! We are all very proud of you. The sky is the limit!

Girl's Varsity Basketball Wins!


The CHAH Girl’s Varsity Basketball Team had a big win over division rival Harlem Village Academy this week. The Lady Phoenix defeated HVA 42-27 and dominated the entire game.

Senior Johanna Diaz had a season high of 21 points. Sophomore Sandra Diaz had 13 points.


The Girls worked hard the entire game, buzzer-to-buzzer, to score the big win. Their record is now approaching .500 this season, with 3 wins. Keep up the good work, Lady Phoenix!


First Annual CHAH Alumni Basketball Game!


CHAH had its first ever alumni game before the varsity team played on Thursday, December 19!

Several alumni returned to play in the game and stayed to cheer on the Varsity team to victory over City College of the Arts.

Class of 2019 Delwyn Alcantrara was named game MVP as he led the "New" Alumni" (Class of 2017-2019) over the "Old" Alumni (Class of 2013-2016).

We look forward to next year's event, and many years to come!
