CHAH Students in Harvard Panel "Poetry in America"

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As part of a national initiative from the National Equity Lab this fall, CHAH students were invited to join the pilot for Harvard Professor Elisa New's college course Poetry in America: The City from Whitman to Hip Hop.

Under the supervision of Ms. Doscher, fifteen 11th- and 12th-grade CHAH students successfully completed the course through no cost to themselves and were able to earn four credits through Harvard University's Extension School.


Advisory Board Member, Merima Ramdedovic, was asked to speak on the topic of college readiness at the award ceremony for the pilot at Jazz at Lincoln Center. "To me, college readiness means feeling confident in the transition from high school to college," Merima said, "and this course definitely made me feel college-ready."

Due to their success in the Poetry in America pilot, CHAH students were awarded ten scholarships through the National Equity Lab to take a two-credit Introduction to Engineering course through Arizona State University this spring. They are currently taking the course under the supervision of Mr. Heidke. 

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CHAH Student Artists are on the Rise!


Congratulations to the following CHAH students whose artwork has been selected for the exhibition: Simplicity in Complexity, an exhibition at Soroban Capital Partners.

The partners at Soroban were thrilled to select 50 artworks from over 500 submissions by middle and high school students from all over New York City public schools: Monica Flores, 7th grade; Raymond Medina, 10th grade; Michel Cortes, Ashley Hiraldo, 12th grade and Merima Ramdedović, 12th grade.

Their art will be up for one year, And they each received an award and a $100 gift card. Congratulations!

Also, last Month the AP Art students attended three trips too see contemporary art. Their visits including The Wallach Gallery, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and the Museum of Art and Design (MAD). They participated in guided tours, got to meet artists and do some art making activities on site.


Staff vs Student Volleyball Game a Success!


Last week, the CHAH staff took on the students in our annual Staff vs Student Volleyball Game! The annual tradition hosted by Girl’s Volleyball coaches Ms. Calev and Ms. Jacobson was a great success!


A total of 5 games were played, with the staff winning the match.


The students held their own and showed great improvements, with several spikes and ace serves.


Fun times had by all!
